If you are having issues logging into your account, there are a few helpful tips below that help you login:
1. Have you set up your account? If this is your first time logging in, you may need to sign up to create an account. To set up an account, select "Sign Up"
- Enter your email, desired password, and name into the fields provided. An admin user within your organization will then approve your account. Click Here for information on authorizing new users in Document Insights or Provision Insights.
2. Did you bookmark your login page? You may see a page like this:
This can be helpful for quick access to your site, but if done incorrectly can cause access issues. Bookmark the first page of your site, not the login page. Below is an example of what you should and should not bookmark:
- Incorrect Bookmark:
- Correct Bookmark:
3. Forgot or need to update your password? Follow this link for more information on resetting your password.
4. If the field to enter a password disappears after you enter your email address, select "Log In" and you will enter your domain username and password.
5. If you get stuck in a loading loop after logging in you may need to manually sync your date and time on your machine (Windows 10). To do so, follow these steps:
- Open Settings
- Click on Time and Language
- Click on Date and Time
- Under the "Synchronize your clock" option, select the Sync Now button
If you have any questions, please submit a ticket or contact us at support@thoughttrace.com.
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